
0x80040154 binary editor
0x80040154 binary editor

0x80040154 binary editor

You can find the documentation about these functions on Libplctag Wiki. Just for reference, here are the wrapped functions of the C/C++ library. I personally don’t like to expose C/C++ native methods, instead I usually keep all interop boilerplate inside the wrapper and expose only plain C# functions. There are several approaches that can be taken when writing a wrapper. When you use a native C/C++ library in a C# project, you need a wrapper that contains the P/Invoke of the functions exposed by the C++ library.

0x80040154 binary editor

You can read the documentation with all the steps on the Build.md file. The C# wrapper is also on GitHub Watch the video on Youtube The C/C++ source code of Libplctag is hosted on Github, along with the documentation and issue tracker: This library is very easy to use and in this article we will see how to use a C# wrapper that I wrote time ago. LibPlcTag works on the Ethernet/Ip stack and is LGPL licensed (you are not forced to open source the entire project, free for commercial use).

0x80040154 binary editor

It’s a C++ open source library and it can communicate with most of the Allen Bradley plcs, like Micrologix, CompactLogix, ControlLogix, SLC and Plc5. LibPlcTag is a library that I used recently to communicate with Allen Bradley plc.

0x80040154 binary editor